Elgie Young  |   Mlm / Network Marketing

What I do online

I am a home based business consultant to hundreds of thousands of professional entrepreneurs spanning 25 countries. I elevate bank accounts and teach people how to develop and maintain the mindset necessary to become successful online and offline. I was featured in the March 2012 issue of "Success From Home"magazine because of the people's lives my program has changed...hoorah for DREAMERS, BELIEVERS and DO'ERS!

Why I work online and what I want to accomplish

I work online because of leverage. I am able to help and reach more people through leveraging my time and resources through the internet. I can be in 25 countries helping 400,000 people without getting on a plane or leaving my home. What I want to accomplish? That is a great question. I want to impact the lives of 1 million people around the world with changes in lifestyle, bank accounts, freedom and more.

How can my product help you?

My product is Coffee. Coffee has been the vehicle I have used to impact the lives of 400,000+ people since 2008. Since it is the 2nd highest traded commodity in the world and people are already familiar with it there is no learning curve necessary. My program allows me to compress time frames through network marketing so people I coach get to $10,000+ a week in income in less than 30 days. So if you or anyone you know drinks coffees at least sometimes you owe it to yourself to see if what I am doing works for you. It has worked for 400,000+ others and can work for you. By the way, my coffee is healthy: no jitters, no crashing, weight loss component and more...Let's work together!

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